A One Stop Resource for US Navy Master-at-Arms Reservists

Training Announcements

  • Per NAVADMIN 212/20, all Navy uniformed members and designated civilians must complete the required Operations Security (OPSEC) training no later than September 15, 2020. This training is by direction of the Secretary of Defense's mandated security stand down.
  • The training can be located here. This link does not require a CAC or paswword login.
  • All four courses must be completed by September 15, 2020. You can replace two of these courses with the following NKOs: Insider Threat Awareness and Introduction to Information Security. If the NKOs were completed before July 20 of this year, they will not be counted.
  • Training Links

    Links are in alphabetical order

    BMR- This is a good website where you can access the bibliographies for advancement exams.
    CANTRAC (DOD Email)- A catalog of Navy Schools.
    Career Roadmap- Career information for those who are intending to make this a career.
    COOL- (Credentialing Opportunities Online). You can find certification oppotunities for the Master-at-Arms rate here.
    E-learning (NKO)- (DOD-ID). Some required annual online courses are located here. (Account is locked after 30 days of inactivity)
    ESAMS- Enterprise Safety and Management System
    FEMA courses- The required FEMA courses are located here. You will need to set up a FEMA Student ID (SID) in order to take the courses.
    FLTMPS (DOD-ID)- Fleet Training, Management, and Planning System
    JKO- (DOD-ID) Joint Knowledge Online. When you mobilize or travel to certain parts of the world, some courses here might be required.
    JST- (DOD Email) Joint Service Transcripts. You can upload your college transcripts here as well as industry recognized certifications.
  • Uploading Degree Instructions- Here are step by step instructions on how to upload your degree into JST.
  • PQS (DOD PIV Cert)- You can find a link to PQSs (Personnel Qualification Standards) from the My Navy Portal home page.
    Required Annual Trainings- A list of trainings required annually.
    Total Force Virtual Learning Center- Required Hazardous Materials Awareness Course is located here.

    I am a United States Sailor
    I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and obey the orders of those appointed over me
    I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy, and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world
    I proudly serve my country's Navy combat team with Honor, Courage, and Commitment
    I am commited to excellence and the fair treatment of all

    I am a Master at Arms;
    I hold allegiance to my country,
    devotion to duty, and personal
    integrity above all.
    I wear my shield of authority
    with dignity and restraint,
    and promote by example
    high standards of conduct,
    appearance, courtesy, and performance.
    I seek no favor because of my position,
    I perform my duties in a firm,
    courteous, and impartial manner.
    I strive to merit the respect
    of my shipmates and all
    with whom I come in contact.